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24 things I've made 

a zine... for 24 hour zine thing project 

24 things I've made 

a zine... for 24 hour zine thing project 

24 Things 
made ■ • • 

24 Things I ' ve made . . . 

01 . gps data music in max/msp 

02. visual art videos in isadora 

03. clocks 

04. knitting 

05. pdf picture books 

06. screenprint portraits 

07. personalized decorated cakes 

08. painted flower pots 

09. paper 

10. floppy disk covered notebooks 
1 1 . way too many photos 

12. internet radio show 

13. skirts / clothes 

14. music gigs: sun(§taantra 

15. websites 

16. balcony on moo 

17. television systems 

18. sound recordings 

19. book oho-pter 

20. remix cd: Love You Brisbane 
21 . mix cds & tapes 

22. tekken-dubbed movies 

23. videoblogging projects videos 

24. (this) zine 

01 . gps data music in max/msp 

in 2005 I was living in the uX for 
a few months. I've always loved 
interactive music & visuals in 
gallery installations, so when I 
heard about a max/msp course at Gol 
-dsmiths College on the weekends, I 
enrolled for it. For the final week 
we had to demo a project. I made a 
gps data music patch. I'd teen 
collecting gps data tracks durin 
varhus drives in southern England 
and parts of Eur ope. The patch read 
the gpg co-ordinates and adjusted 
an "ambience" plugin which was 
applied to smae sound recordings 
I'd made at the different locations. 
There was aleo an X-Y grid displayed 
on the patch controller page, so 
you could follow the gps path 
whilst listening to the music. It 
sounded OK - the lecturer, Sebastian 
Lexor (who runs the INTfiRface nights 
in London) said he liked it. He had 
helped make the patch whilst I was 
learning max/msp. I'd like to make 
another version that generates music 
from the recorded samples - I think 
that'd be cool. One day when I have 
more time perhaps. 


02. visual art videos in Isadora 
Isadora is a video prooessin,; 
program. It's a visual programming 
system that uses patching technology. 
There are different patch objects 
which you can join together with 
lines, or patch cords. I like this 
type of programming as I find it 
quicker and more logical as I can 
see how the outputs of one object 
can become inputs for other objects. 
Maybe it's the human visual-based 
mind, letting me see how the program 
is working when it's laid out in a 
visual manner. 

I've made a few videos in Isadora. 
"mimiJS on the beach" - a collage 
of a few videos taken on Bethell's 
beach in Auckland - of a girl flying 
a kite. 

"news slices in the snow" - snow £ 
falling in Jerusalem with a mix of 
news articles from webpages telling 
of a police hero who had saved 
people from a terrorist attack, 
"nature vs. city" - comparisons of 
natural life vs urban living inspired 
by a Philip K Dick course I'd just 

"got love?" -video of graffiti seen 
on a Jerusalem walll asking "got love? 


05. clocks 

I used to work at a TV station in 
Brisbane. I'd collect the old hard 
drives and tape machine parts , then 
pull them apart and make clocks for 
friend's presents. Everyone loved to 
receive one and I loved to make them 
for people. People would say that I 
should sell them, but I didn't think 
it would be right -these were my art: 
It didn't feel right to sell to 
people I didn't Know and have them 
take them home. What if they didn't 
appreciate them or look after them? 
Perhaps this is a selfish thought ofi 
my part . . 

It was fun to think about the 
person who I was making the clock for 
and look at all the pieces and select 
each component individually. Then 
lay each piece into position and 
fasten them together. There was wu 
involved, as mentioned in "The man 
in the high castle" (which I've just 
finished reading). 

I've since moved to Sydney & overseas 
& back to Sydney. The other day I foun 

-d a few of the clock-bits boxes so 
Iftd like to make some more clocks 
again soon - it's been a while. I 
don't have the same kind of friends 
here though so maybe it won't be the 


U4. knitting 

I used to knit, and do other crafty 
things when I was a pre-teen and 
early teenager. I think it was 
because Mum was always making some 
-thing - she made soft toys and jams 
& cakes etc for markets and school 
fetes. We often had a market stall 
on the weekends. But onee I was in 
high school and beyond I didn't 
work on crafty projects as much. 

A few years ago, I saw some 
knitted toys at an arts/music festiv 
-al I go to each year (when in 
countyy). And then I saw knitted 
penguin jumpers for soaking up oil 
spills on their feathers. They were 
so cute! So I started knitting again. 
I like writing out the patterns too 
these days. Knitting is a binary 
system - knit & purl, yet it's also 
more than this as you can combine 
these two stitches into different 
patterns, as well as varyin;, the X8S 
colours to increase the complexity. 
I think women have taken back the 
option to craft as well as work and 
do anything they want to - to create 
in any manner they can. I love the 
mathematical knitting and geurilla 
graffiti knittipg too. And making 
qis for mv frienu T s babies /kids. 



05. pdf picture books 

I started thinking about writing a 
zine - I've been reading them Tor a 
Hhile, but nuver written one. I've 
witten plenty of letters, postcards 
and thoughts & lists in my notebooks 
but I probably wouldn't class them as 
zines. So I started with picture books 
made in iphoto on my computer. Shey 
are really easy to sake. I select 
the photos, select which position to 
lay them out and then export as a 
pdf . My friend told me about pdf 
compression - it can reduce the SL 
file sizes quite a lot. Sometimes 
I scan in my notebooks noted and then 
add them as an image. It's hard to 
read my messy handwriting these days 

- I think it's due to typin^, on thc-j 
computer 99/6 of "the time these days 

- my handwriting skill has lessened 
over the years. 

I've made a few pdf picture books: 
"food for digital nomads" - photos 
of m^als I've had over the past five 
years whilGt working and living 

"neon and anouk" - one for my sister 
witu photos of her cats 
"luminousity : scenius" - photos 


06. screenprint pcrtraits 
I've made a couple of screenprint 
portraits. One for a friend's 
birthday, but we drifted apart when 
he started gotfig out with his 
girlfriend (now his wife) so I never 
gave it to him. And another of my 
cousin's daughter. She looks too old 
in it though - maybe 10, though 
she's just turnea fou:/. S So I haven't 
given this to her either. I haven't 
finished the one of her brother, so 
I was waiting until I had one of 
each before giving them the paintin s- 
But I'M not sure they are good enough 
anyway. At least children are more 

When I was younger my sister ami I 
j-q sometimes made screenprinted t-shirts 

and they were OK. I don't think 
I should give up my dayjob to become 
a screenprinter though! 
> I've always liked prints though - 
Andy Warhol is a favourite artist. 
I like seeing the registration 
errors - the imperfections. The eye 
is quite forgiving of these in real 
life - creating a softer image in 
most cases. It8s like analog vs 
digital tv - the eye will correct 
errors in analog tv pictures, but 
it won't in g digital. We are analo 


07. personalized decoratea cakes 
I haven't mads theae for yeans, but 
recently I found photos of the cakes 
and even a description of the day 
we'd made them in a returned, unopen 
-ed (return to sender) letter to a 
friend who had moved to Melbourned 
I remember making two decorated 
cakes: a "T.J." cake and a "Stems" 
cake. TJ was for my friend's birth 
-day. Botha were green with black 
licorice pieces . The Stems cake 
looked like the cover of their record 
- we used to listen to this over 
and over, and even saw them play 
in Brisban ; onee. At the time, we 
used to wear all black clothes - 
this was in high school. We didn't 
call ourselves "swampy" as others 
did at the time, rather, we were 
"alternative". TJ loved her cake 
and we took the Stems one to school 
and had it at morning tea - remember 
"little lunchjt - I never have time 
for it these days. Or it's brunch 
now. Oh to be back at school with 
hardly a care in the world! And to 
have all your friends around you 
all the time. And time to make and 
decorate cakes even! 



08. painted flower pots 

More presents - this time Christmas 
presents for friends and family a 
while ago - probably in mid 1 990 ' s . 
Every now and then I get in making 
frenzies and lookout if it's your 
birthday coming up or another 
gift— giving opportunity. I think I 
decided to make these after seeing 
some at local markets inthe Valley 
and thinking it was something I 
could do. They were painted bright, 
block colours - blue and red, or gre 
-en and yellow or other combinations. 
Hum still has hers, or maybe they are 
hers and my sister's. I remember 
seeing them on the shelf last time 
I visited home. At least they've 
held up well - still«$ in good 
condition. That's theJE only problem 
with making gifts - sometimes I worry 
how long they will last. You don't 
like to give people things that 
are going to fall apart too quickly. 

But I suppose it's normal these 
days - we live in an even more 
disposable, consumer society now. 
The 1970's and Ip$X 1980's were 
nothing compared to no... 


09. paper 

I used to make writing paper from 
used Christmas pc»per wrapping paper. 
I have a paper making kit - which I 
also found again recently. There are 
a couple of trays, and mesh grid 
trays for seiving the paper. I used 
to dry it in the sun on the balcony. 
I'll put a square of paper into this 
zine. Some is uneven, or quite thick 
compared to commercial paper, but 
it's nice to reuse the old paper and 
make something new from it - give it 
a new lease of life. Can paper have 
life? It had life when it was bark 
on a tree or branches. But then is 
transformed into paper - a witing 
tool. Perhaps one of the most 
important technologies of humans 
life? Writing and communicating ideas 
and leading to other creative pursuits 
and leading to other technologies. 
I wonder what humanity would be like 
had we not evolved to write ideas 
down? Would our memories be large 
as they once were? Would we have share 
-d memories as cromagnon man had? 
Would their be less art, ,.ith no 
paper, canvas to paint on, or paper 
to write tomes of literature on? Or 
would we have 9 found another way? 



10. floppy disk covered notebooks 

I've written in notebooks for as long 
as I can remember. I use them a lot 
at work, especially when starting a 
new role or project - when I need 
to remember something. I think it's 
another way of outsourcing my memory. 
These days I use email too, but 
still have botabooks. Outside of 

work I use them to write ideas, lists 
and thoughts down. In the 1990's, 
when the larger 5it" floppy disks 
were being used less after being repl. 
-aced by the larger format/capacity 
3.5" harder c sed floppy disks, I 
had lots of 5i" disks leftover. So 
I reused them as notebook covers. 
And used cut-up pages of recycled 
printer paper as the paper. So in 
most cases I could then only write 
on one side of the page, but this 
was enough. I still have a few bosea 
of disks, so I'm sure they'll be reus 
-ed again one day too. The J might 
be harder to find in stores these 
days? I used to use spiral binders 
to bind the notebooks together. And 
of course give some to others at 
work to use too. 

These days I mostly write in the A5 
sized Moleskin^-jo notebooks - po:ke1 
si ed ones. 


1 1 . way too many photos 

Having a digital pifflQJ camera means 
it's very easy to take lots of 
photos and record every moment. I 
take way too many photos. And I keep 
all of them. I upload them to my 
to my flickr account (aliak_com), 
mostly as a backup, though it stores 
lower quality versions of the pictures 
I also have them on hard drives. One 
backup drive broke whilst I was in 
Auckland staying in an apartment. It 
was whilst I was there on a work 
project so it was a serviced apartment 
and I thinli the cleaning laay must 
have knocked over the drive one day 
as I found it on its side & it didn't 
work again. I would have been upset 
had I lost all those photos. 

Susan Sontag says in "On Photography 
" Cameras are the antidote and the 
disease, a means of appropriating 
reality and a means of making it 
obsolete." I see her point — photos 
are only one view of a scene - one 
perception. They are only a represent- 
ation. Hot always representing all the 
facets and facts. And yet I still take 
photos - I "take" them, away from 
the moment , to try .and capture them 

to store in my owni memories. Outsourc- 
ing memories to fak« lra-'eu.. 

I tried some internet raaio broadcasts 
in about 1997-9. Then I started 
chatting in a few IEC channels in 
1 998-9 . One day one of the guys asked 
if I'd like to do my own show on 
their new internet radio station, 
Pulse Radio. So I started in April 
2000 with a test broadcast and kept 
doing my show for 4-5 years. At times 
I was doing 1-3 shows, towards the end 
it was just the single briz:b:e:a:t :s 
program. I started it when I lived 
in Brisbane, continued it mhen I moved 
to Sydney, but finished up when I 
moveu to the IK. The station then cha- 
nged format and management too so it 5i 
was the right time to finish up. 
In Brisbane, I had guests come in 
j(5 and either DJ or perform live. Once 

I did a broadcast from London whilst 
on holidays. I broadcast a few 
warehouse parties and club events. I 
used to do publicity/PR for the show 
and guests too. And some came to play 
a live set at a club gig I "used, to 
organize. There was a great community 
feel to the station and show - that 
was one of my favourite parts. And 
helping the artists in a/my own small 
way too. The show had a good reputation 
too - people tal'eqlg about it & the 
station. It was a fun time! 


15. skirts / clothes 

Aostly I made these when I was in 
my teens and twenties. At high 
school I'd make skirts for school 
dances - the "alternative" clothes. 
In my twneties I made clothes to 
waar to the dance parties. Everyone 
tended to make clothes back then as 
there weren't as many stores with the 
clothes we wanted to wear. It was a 
new look at the time. How the club 
wear Is very popmlar and easy to find. 
I suppose when people are younger, 
they like to use clothes to show 
others parts of their identity. I8m 
not very fashion conscious these days 
- most clothes seem u o be for younger 
people. Now I'm sounuing old... 

I had a sewing machine but gave it 7 

to a friend, so small repairs is i 
my sewing limit today - han« sewing. 
Ky sister had an industrial sewing 
machine as she studied fashion, and 
she had an overlooker too. I was 
never good at following patterns - I 
would want to just sew pieces together 
without following the rules. Sometime,;: 
they turned out OK. I was good at 
making rectangle skirts - they were 
very easy to do. 


14. music gifts: aunfcjaantra 

Whilst in Brisbane, I organized a 
weekly Sunday ntgirt live electronic 
music night. Various local bands and 
up & coming DJs came to play. Be 
finished before midnight or just after 
so it wasn't a late night for those 
working the next day. It w-,s also more 
laid back music styles compared to 
the harder styled played in Brisbane 
at the time. 

One night a guy said he didn't want 
to come inSC as he didn't know the band 
-s. I told him to just go in and if he 
li e. it then maybe he could come back 
later and pay the cover ch rge - which 
was $5 or less. le found me later in 
the night and gave me tv/ice t e cover 
18 charge and said it was the best kind 

of night he'd been too in ages - he 
liked the diversity. That made my ni t ,ht 
- it aas always nice to get good 
feedback. I think the banus and DJs 
liked having a place to play tee. The 
genres were mixed and everyone had a X 
turn to play. It was agreat community. 
Unfortunately the club glossed do,.'n 
not long after I left. (I'd moved to 
Sydney so had to stop doing theni, ht) 



15. websites 

I've had websites back since the days 

of CompuServe - prior to that I 

posted on BBS' or read them, but they 

weren't my own page/site, so wouldn't 

count. There was an angelfire page at-p 

one stage, and the ISP webspn.ce page, '3 

but the first hand-coded php site was « 

the one I made for AliaK: filter in c 

1999. It's similat to the content on t 

the current Drupal-CMS site I use toda* 

(which was first drupaliaed in 20uJ I jz 

think). Originally, the site was r- 

arranged so I could copy the text intoc 

the emails I used to send out - event V. 

notices, . rts, music notices and the g 

briz:b:e:a:t:s internet radio show ta 

details which included bios of the M 

guests etc. I'm not sure how to a 

classify it... not quite an ezine, ce 

as it was always just a big list. Some. 

people would print it out and put on K 

their workplace noticeboards (so they R 

told me). Since then the site is still" 

running, though it's also turned into 

a travel blog, or bookmarks collection^ 

site for me. I've hepled build proto-.j-i 

type sites for other community orgs o 

such as Undergrowth & HZ's Audio as 

Foundation, though they built their 

final. sites. I'm 15 also working on an 
archive site: Brisbane Dance Parties 


■ 16. balcony on moo 

jvjy ex-boyfriend introduced me to BBS' 
at the time. Me dialed in on 14.4kbps 
or slower modems. The first one might 
have even been 9k.. I can't remember no 
They were text based sites, similar 
to forums today. You could download 
files and tiny, efficient programs and 
art. We8d dial different numbers, 
1 some local, interstate and overseas 
'to connect to different servers. Lots 
were university servers. Then we starte 
-d using the MUDs/MOOs. My ex8s new 
. work mates ran one called "pmcmoo" 
telnet hero. village. Virginia. edu:7777 
connect guest 

(aftrequest (character name) for (email 
20 wait for mail & pwd, then (telnet to 

same place & connect (Charname)(pwd) 
then use commands fewho ©join (name) 
Ogo unknown species vhq (this was the 
name of the room we went to) 
I was Alia, my ex was Haglin or 
Haywood, or Aladrin. I made a balcony 
, 'ffiH woutrgwly inX the summer breeze. 
j Other friends were Sweden, Star burst, 
I The big blue bus (scary), Oobadah. 
! Oobadah (An,j') made a shiny spinning 
! orb. There were other moo's too: 
i M002^0 ( 
©create generic j)<grtable room called 


TJ. television systems 

I've worked in tv - broadcast tv 
engineering / computer systems 
industry since 1989- Firstly at a 
FTA station in Brisbane until 2001 , 
then at a cable tv station in Sydney 
until 2003 when the digital trial was 
abandoned. Theg a satellite broadcast 
-er in Sydney until 2004. Then I 
moved to working for a digital tv 
systems vendor in UK. I've worked 
for them in various countires and 
cities, and broadcasters. Have traveled 
a lot - to India (Bangalore, Delhi, 
l Mumbaij, New Zealand (Auckland), 
' Korea (Seoul), Turkey (Istanbul), 
+ Israel (Jerusalem), Malaysia (Kuala 
I Lumpur) and Australia (Sydney). I 

was officially baaed in UK (South- 
+ harnpton/Chandlers Ford; but didn't 
' spend much time there. In 2008 I trans] 

-ferred back to the Sydney office but 
I I still travel from thsre. It's been 
,_ nice to be home though. 

So I've setup computer & broadcast 
1 systems for different broadcasters 
! around the world. It's interesting 
! and a great way to travel, but it's 
I very busy and stressful at most 
i, times too. Maybe one day I can slow 
i down a bit. I like to keep across 
' arts/music comilfiniiies as a balance 
for mv technical side. Still love ana]' 


J 7 

IB. sound recordings 

I take my recording devices whenever 
I go somewhere new. Usually these days 
it s my phone, but I have a MB and ' 
microcassette recorder too. I seem to 
record everything. Sometimes I 
listen back to the recorsings and 
remember the day or what I was 
thinking at the time and what I 
saw that day. I record lots of thin ■.; 
- street sounds, water, birds, 
seminars/talks I've attended. Many 
times the recordings are not that 
clear or listenable when I listen 
back - they are not production 
quality. More as another type of 
memory trigger for me. I think 
perhaps this is making my memory 
22 worse as I have these other stora e 

systems for it. When I was living" 
overseas I found I missed havinf 
some of my recordings nearby - sad, 
but true. I didn't have time to encode 
all of them prior to leaving. Some 
were interview recordings, which I 
would catch up on transcribing whilst 
overseas when there was often not a lot 
to do at nights after work (weed often 
fin«4h late). Sometimes it's hard to 
process a new place at once, so I 
could listen back later and hear 
Am.s I'd missed 18 the first time. 

19. "book chapter 

I think I've mentioned videoblog r ,ing 
already - I'm a member of the yahoo- 
groups videoblogging list, and spin 
off groups xpKBffijE swi the newer 
artists in the cloud., vlogtheory. X 
Jay Dedman and Joshua Paul were 
working on a "Videoblogging" book 
and asked ifie if I'd like to submit 
part of a chapter. So I wrote up 
notes and instructions on "Quicktime 
text tracks, href tracks and clickable 
links" and sent it off. They have a 
section in the book about making 
clickable links in videos but my 
notes were rewritten. M. I This is 
not too surprising as I didn't know 
the format / style of writing they 
were using in the book and my 
writing can beoome quite scattered 
at times :) though I'm clearer with 
technical HOWTO notes as I do these 
for work at times. Anyway I was listed 
as a contributer and received a free 
copy once it was published so it's 
all good. Maybe one day I'll write a 
book.. I think it'll be the Brisbane 
Dance Parties Afiohive book - at 
least I hope I finish that one day. 
I thought I'd start with a zine to 

fefB dilVSiii^-Smifetk 11 , 

creatures reallv. 



20. remix cd: Love You Brisbane 

After I left Brisbane and moved to 
Sydney, I was (and still am if truth 
be told) quite homesick for the Bris 
people & the dance music, sound art 

6 experimental communities. I missed 
the place too - it'll always be my home 
So wfafen the old song "Love You 
Brisbane" was mentioned on one of the 
forums, I thought maybe I could 
arrange a remix project and ask the 
local artists to contribute. The sory 
was the Channel Seven (TV) theme soa; 
in the 1980's. I had worked at Channel . 

7 from 1989-2001 so it'd only been 
about 3-6 months since I'd left. I 
contacted people and they gave me 
permission to use the song for the 

24 project. The guys from audio dept. 

found the maitera copies and sent me a 
cd of a few versions. Then I sent out 
an email and posted the source cd to 
artists wanting to contribute. I had 
plenty of responses. One of the Pulse 
Radio guys, Kat mixed the levels of the 
final remix cd for me so it sounded 
great. I was planning to do nice 
artwork, but ran out of time, so I 
had to make up a quick cd label & then 
I had a od duplication/production co. 
make the cds. I took them up to Bris 
for the S003 (Stratg&u OUT of Bris) 


21 . mix cds & tapes 

Boxes hold lots of lost treasures 

- one such thing was a photo of me 
making a mixtape when I was about 
15 or 16. I'd almost thought it 
was a dream. Then I read about the 
day in an unopened letter that had 
been returned to me and had remained 
unopened since 1987- It was like 
opening a time capsule of myself - 
my previous self. I8d made mix cds 
in the 1990s and 2000' s for friends 
and to play on the radio, as well 

as recording live sets I'd donj to 
mp3. But I couldn't remember making 
them earlier. I could only recall 
recording songs from the radio or 
later the Dance Music Show on 4^zZ 
community r^dio - which later changed 
names to Crucial Cuts. I have some 
of the old tapes from back then, but 
they are WQWing a lot now. My 
cassette deck was never that good, and 
the one I have now - recently bought 

- isn't that good either. Some of the 
tapes I'd given up for lost, but there 
was magick involved the day I found 
them again, as I was -finking of my 
friend (HIP; and I'm sure he led me 

to them. A few of his tapes ..ere in th 
-e stash. I couldnat believe how hap y 
anaJoe- taoe could make me feel. 



dlL ' tekken-dubbed movies" 

These days this has a name - 
"machinima". mX we used to have 
Tekken II parties ..-hen I lived in 
Auchenflower. About 25 people would 
come over and we'd take turns playing 
iekxen - it was a ^reat stress relief 
and lots of fun. fly then end of the 
night, the guys would be setting up 
the VHS recorder, and overdubbing 
the sound and making a mini Tekken 
movie. Very funny. I need to see if 
I still have any of the old t^pes. 
Hopefully I didn't record over them. 

It's not quite the same aa machinima 
these days which is done on computers 
but it was sort of the mi,,-90's 
26 They were fun parlies. Most of the 

gang still lives in Brisbane. Though 
time had passed of course and some 
have children now. I suppose one day 
they will play games with their kids 
like we did then. I wonder what the 
games of the future will be like? 
Probably some sort of realistic VE 
system. At least these days there are 
games involving full body movements to 
keep people fit. I haven't played many 
games for ages. I tried Second Life 
for a while but it's not t^e saae as X 
the old ,/orlds 22 Away avatar world. 


23. videoblogging projects videos 

Each year the videoblogging group 

participate in various projects. I 

usually do the VloMo - Videobloggins 

Month in November. At le^-st I've done 

it in 2007 (NaVloroMo) and 2003 and 

th; Videoblogging Week in 2009. I 

think vb week has "been running since X 

2004-5 but I only tried it this year. 

V3 Monti is held in November each 

year, and the aim is to make a video 

every nay. You upload it and tag it 

and then everyone c n see your video 

and the other participants video. 

After doing a couple of these projects 

I began to see patterns in my videos. 

There's usually a couple of art ones 

done in I sadora - it's a great chance 

to practice using it and to try new 2 7 

techniques for a given day's video. 

Then I seem to go overseas without 

my Mao, so I do straight cut edited 

travel videos - drive to work, some of 

the sights onthe weekends. Some food 

and hotel videos. I'd like to do bette] 

ones but sometimes time is limited 

so I figure u^loadin. g something is 

better th;n nothing. Some of tl e other 

people's videos are amazing - usually 

they are a simple idea of something 

seeminglyjnund.AS which is turned into 
a ttinff of Te,;utv simnle tnmss r n- 



24. (this) zine 

Well I$ve come to the end of this 
little adventure. And despite very- 
bad typing (sorry about all the 8's 
instead of "s) it's finished. I'm 
not sure if it's really a zine as I 
think it's a hit self-indulgent - it's 
"all about me", but it is what it is. 
I would have liked to add pictures, 
but they ouldn't fit on the pages. I 
wanted to use the pages from my 
Moleskine notebooks as these are my 
favourite for writing in these days. 
So I think perhaps it's a little bland 
with just block writing. But there 
you have it. In the past I suppose 
letters have be_n my perzines thou ,h 
they've not ^one out into the world - ! 
only to a single person. I've enjoyed 
typing on a real typewriter ag in - my 
fingers haven't worked this hard for 
about 20-25 years! I had a little 
orangi typewriter back then but I 
can't find it now. I searched in all 
my packing boxes to no avail. Alas it 
has gone. And now so am I. I hope you 
have enjoyed readin^ about my adventure 
-s in making things, albeit small thin,.. 
-s - over the years . Creativity brings 
the spark into my life. 

^lagl-in^!- 2 4 Sa ^' Paz - 
middle east - aha-us) 


This zine was made by kath 
for the 24 hour-zine-thing 
project. The concept and 
production of the zine was K 
made within a 24 hour period 
in Jujy 2009. Actually I 
started it on 29th July @10pm 
so I went over into 1st Aug. 

It was typed on a new -old 
Gabrielle 25 Adler typewriter 
(manual) with a sticky y key. 


aliak77t»gmail . com haa 
other submissions for 2009 and 
previous gears . 
